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Category: Curated

Irish Farmers Protest Plans to Cull Livestock

Irish Farmers Protest Plans to Cull Livestock

Farmers in Ireland are protesting government proposals to cull livestock — including up to 200,000 cows — in an effort to meet national and European Union goals to reduce methane...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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State Poised to Enact Pesticide Ban That Could Be ‘Devastating’ to Farmers

State Poised to Enact Pesticide Ban That Could Be ‘Devastating’ to Farmers

A new pesticide ban in New York is set to be signed by the governor, which some argue would be devasting to crops and impose burdensome costs on farmers. New...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Recent Rain May Not Be Enough to Halt the Shrinking of Canada’s Cattle Herd

Recent Rain May Not Be Enough to Halt the Shrinking of Canada’s Cattle Herd

Anxious Alberta ranchers praying for rain got their wish this week, but it may not be enough to stop the ongoing decline in Canadian cattle production. The moisture that fell...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Global Food Crisis — Ukraine Farming Sector Won’t Recover for at Least 20 Years: Study

Global Food Crisis — Ukraine Farming Sector Won’t Recover for at Least 20 Years: Study

Ukraine, once known as the ‘breadbasket’ of Europe, will need at least twenty years for its agricultural sector to recover following the eventual end of the war with Russia. According...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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American Consumers Will Soon Be Eating CRISPR Gene-Edited Conscious™ Salad Greens

American Consumers Will Soon Be Eating CRISPR Gene-Edited Conscious™ Salad Greens

A gene-editing startup wants to help you eat healthier salads. This month, North Carolina–based Pairwise is rolling out a new type of mustard greens engineered to be less bitter than...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Will Making Cows Extinct ‘Save The Planet’?

Will Making Cows Extinct ‘Save The Planet’?

What makes killing cows even more insane is that the political world has taken the word of (UN-IPCC) charlatans who claim methane (cow farts, natural gas) is a “powerful greenhouse...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Boy, 10, Buys Antique Tractor With $2,800 Life Savings to Help Tend the 200-Acre Family Farm

Boy, 10, Buys Antique Tractor With $2,800 Life Savings to Help Tend the 200-Acre Family Farm

A 10-year-old boy with ambitions to take over his family’s 200-acre beef farm in Wisconsin has invested his life savings in a rare antique tractor to help his parents. Hard-working...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Hamburger Prices Near Record High As Grilling Season Kicks Off

Hamburger Prices Near Record High As Grilling Season Kicks Off

Summer in the Northern Hemisphere officially begins Wednesday. Americans are already flocking to backyard barbeques and pool parties, drinking Bud Light beer and munching on hamburgers and hotdogs. Those hosting...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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US to Spend $502 Million on Future Bird Flu Response

US to Spend $502 Million on Future Bird Flu Response

The U.S. Department of Agriculture will spend $502 million to ensure its rapid response to any future bird flu cases as the country’s worst-ever outbreak of the virus levels off,...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Techno-Hell: First-Ever U.S. Regulatory Approval Granted to Lab-Grown Meat

Techno-Hell: First-Ever U.S. Regulatory Approval Granted to Lab-Grown Meat

The ongoing social engineering project to replace healthy beef, chicken, fish, etc. with Klaus Schwab’s zhe bugs and Bill Gates’ Frankenfood lab meat (which, by the way, preliminary evidence suggests...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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